PAVES has the equipment resources and capabilities to perform all types of milling and cold planing operations. Our milling machines range in various size to ensure the right equipment gets to your project - allowing us the ability to mill everything from road patches, to large scale highway/roadway/parking lot cold planing, to performing on intricate bridge decks.
The process of milling / cold planing involves scarifying the surface layer of asphalt to a specified depth (usually between 1 and 2.5"), and paving with new. This process helps eliminate irregularities in the pavement surface, restore ride, creates more surface area for improved bonding and allows the road to maintain a consistent clearance for any bridges or overhead structures.
On roads and parking lots, milling would be a preferred option if your sub base is strong, and the intent of the project is to freshen up the aesthetics or ride quality of the existing surface.
This is also an environmentally friendly option, as the milled materials return to be included in the production of new asphalt.

Asphalt reclamation is the process of pulverizing the existing asphalt, along with the sub base (gravel) - to create new material for redistribution and grading on site.
The new base is compacted to produce a strong, durable base ready for paving, which will eliminate the underlying issues causing the pavement failure.
Since this method recycles the materials in place, there is no need to haul in gravel and there is normally no need to haul out old material for disposal – which provides a cost savings to the customer.
On roads and parking lots, full depth reclamation would be the preferred option if the site continuously experiences bad potholes, has wide spread cracking (alligatoring) or failure, or is in need of a complete refresh due to years of various disturbance.
Where as milling basically refreshes your top course of asphalt, a reclamation option will provide you with the same results as new construction.